for everyone |
It’s also a prayer of thanksgiving. If you find that today you think you will not need to see a doctor or a lawyer, you’re still in good shape. You’ll survive. Otherwise, there’s always the great possibility that you’re in danger of losing your life, limb, your liberty, and most of the things you need in your futile attempts at pursuing the elusive dream called happiness.
I kid you not. How many friends have I lost who looked perfectly hale, normal, hearty and strong and decided somehow to go see a doctor. The next thing we heard this guy went from one expensive hospital into a government one (it was cheaper), for a “medical procedure” and died on the operating table. His widow was left with a medical bill for P750,000 (cheaper by at least P150,000, she was told).
Another diabetic neighbor I know who was bed-ridden for years had his legs cut off one after the other. One can only imagine the medical bills he had accumulated before he mercifully passed away.
Why or how did they think of inventing “lethal injection” in the first place? Incidentally, do they sterilize the syringes used in lethal injections? If so, why? If not, why not?
Why is it that nowadays many middle-aged persons I know who complain of chest pains and who happen to look prosperous are immediately if automatically scheduled for a heart by-pass? Why is it that none of the poor people I hang out with these days (jeepney drivers, auto mechanics, lateros, tuberos, carpenters, etc.) have never had any such procedure done on them? Is it a medical or a financial condition? Why is it that before one is admitted into a hospital, the receptionist asks and looks for his medical health card?
Is this why they call it high-stakes medicine?
Should we be grateful that we can now routinely undergo outpatient hernia repair, or have a heart valve replaced, a spinal tumor removed or some inflammatory bowel disease dealt with? Or, should we simply just pray and be grateful that we do not have to undergo such medical procedure? Incidentally, why don’t they call it “an operation” anymore? Is it because it is, in more ways than one? Just asking.
When it comes to lawyers, we don’t have to say very much. As they themselves love to say: “res ipsa loquitur.” Loosely or locally translated: “Obvious, ba?”
Our Supreme Court has also seen to that. Free access to the courts, one of the most basic of constitutional guarantees in any civilized society, is a thing of the past. You need a lot of money nowadays to run after an embezzler who ran off with your money. Aside from your lawyer’s unconscionable “acceptance fee,” you will have to pay up front filing fees in such an amount that it’s much cheaper to hire some motorcycle-riding assassin to shoot the bastard. It’s your classic case of throwing good money after bad.
Incidentally, the so-called “acceptance fee” is a Filipino invention. There should be no such thing as attorney’s fees paid in advance. Instead, western civilization coined the phrase “retainer” or “retaining fee.” While you’ll hear an elaborate explanation or justification for this invention, it’s basically the same thing. It’s about money paid up front. With lawyers, there is clearly no such thing as a “no cure, no pay” for services rendered or to be rendered.
The best thing that can be said about lawyers has already been uttered in the time of Shakespeare in Stratford upon Avon.
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers!” (“King Henry VI”).
Another curious thing common among lawyers and doctors (and people in religious garb) is that they love to keep their trade a mystery, to keep you in the dark. They’ll throw in a Latin phrase here and there, e.g., res ipsa loquitur or ignorantia legis neminem excusat. Actually, there’s no mystery there. People are more willing to pay good money on things they know nothing about, like,trypanosomniasis gambiensis. Why do you think doctors scribble all sorts of illegible mumbo-jumbo on their prescription pads? It’s just as true with expensive late model cars, electronic equipment, computers and cellphones. Why do you think the Pope still says mass in Latin?
Indeed, jokes about doctors and lawyers are so common they aren’t funny anymore.
But that’s not what this blog is about. It’s supposed to be about evil people, swindlers, embezzlers, con men - and how to spot them, and if you are wise, how to avoid them. However, why I immediately thought of doctors and lawyers in the same breath is anybody’s guess.
Indeed, who can you trust these days?
The first rule should be: whenever you hear anybody tell you “TRUST ME,” your first instinct should be to run for your life. Unless you’re waiting to be screwed.
When your friend tells you TRUST ME (with your money) – run. Never go into business with a friend. Friendship should be based on business and not vice versa.
When your lover tells you TRUST ME (with your virginity) – run. Why do you think condoms are now labeled “TRUST?”
When a politician or presidentiable promises jobs, lower taxes, or to take care of your electric bills – run. Politicians (and lovers) invented promises.
When a TV preacher promises to take you to heaven by quoting some verses from the Bible (especially from the Old Testament of which you know nothing about) – run. He is engaged in the vilest form of name-dropping or blasphemy (taking the name of the Lord, our God, in vain).
When somebody suddenly claims to possess some mysterious healing powers – run. It only means that he has realized he has no future as a preacher.
And, most recently, whenever some prestigious financial institution, investment house or trust company spends millions of dollars on TV commercials or sponsoring golf tournaments essentially saying “TRUST ME” (with your life savings) – run. Otherwise, they will have MADE OFF (Madoff, get it?) with all of your money. Incidentally, why is it that big-time swindlers and embezzlers handling other people’s money in Wall Street are called “brokers?”
This is the age of scams, scandals, and schemes. Bad guys are everywhere. These days they don’t just simply rob you of your money. They will go into rather sophisticated and elaborate schemes, ploys and devices all designed to fool you … eventually. Nowadays, legacy no longer means an inheritance. It’s billions lost to another Ponzi scam, apparently in connivance with some government regulators. Some of those so-called “budol-budol” or “dugo-dugo” gangs are so convincing many victims believe they were hypnotized.
Who was it who said “A fool and his money are soon parted?”
Why do you think that the Filipino these days no longer uses “goodbye” as a parting word? Now, it’s “ingat.” In big bold letters“ingat.” You can’t be too careful these days. There are wolves out there, some in sheep’s clothing, others in coat and tie, some men in black, some others in uniform. We’re not even talking here about reckless drivers, DUIs, or drug-crazed addicts or syndicated bank robbers.
Or, terrorists? Good Lord!
Is it any wonder then that the Lord’s Prayer ends with “et libera nos a malo?”
Apparently not content with this, Mother Church at mass follows this prayer with the incantation: “Libera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, praeteritis, praesentibus, et futuris…” (Spare us, O Lord, we ask you, from all evils, past, present and future…), and invoking the aid of the Blessed Mother, and all the saints at once, in the same breath.
Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder where the exhortation “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” fits in the scheme of things. Or, Trust in God?James D. Lansang
herchellechek wrote on Jul 17, '09
Kuya James, thanks for the wisdom and the wit. You really nailed it down on the head .... and on the heads of a lot of people including myself... Ingat! (heh, heh!)
butchcelestial wrote on Jul 18, '09
. . . . . I have the strangest love for 'typhoons' . . . . . and you are the best, kuya . . . . |
jeemsdee said
But what sensible 'idle musings' these are Kuya James. These are how we experience the world, or most of it anyway. It's good that you write about such things because it makes people think and perhaps choose what to do about it. But so true re lawyers and doctors, which are supposed to be noble professions because one is to save lives and the other is to promote justice but the ideals of these professions are just that, ideals, in the here and now. It's the system/society that we all find ourselves mired in... it's the idea of 'profit' that probably are the prime motivator now I think. The 'system' has gotten so monstrous and has taken a life on its own that people seem to feel helpless to do anything to correct it. It's more of a case of a people getting eaten up by the existing system rather than the latter refining the former so that true 'service' prevails.
jeemsdee said
Hmm, good point Kuya James, I should ease up on the serious analysis a bit or else dadami na naman puting buhok ko. I should look at this like what Mr[?] CDRome there did, I laughed at the joke so much... don't worry, i'm still impressionable so baka ma-convert pa ako to the Comic Club :)... I really love the humor here, I do miss Pinoy humor :)
paga65 said
This is Kuya Paga65 from a different angle. This, in turn, led me to recall one lesson I learned in Catechism (ok, ok, in the seminary): Christ exhorted us to be like children. They view things from the perspective of fun; this allows them to cope. They carry no baggage; this allows them to travel light. They carry with them their innocence; this allows them to look at every moment as a fresh start. They are the epitome of simplicity. They are like bald people; they do not worry about dyeing. Fun is a serious business and must be one of the modes of exorcising evil.
Lord, spare us from ourselves. I thank you, Lord, that you've given us the tool of humor to undo the things we ourselves tend to complicate. Humor helps us cope and reminds us of your 6th commandment not to kill. I just hope that after seeing placenta soap in the market, they won't come up with a fallopian tube-flavored shampoo. It might just be too much for some of us. Please ignore my last two sentences. Just joking. |
jeemsdee said
We are experiential beings and faith is a very personal thing for a lot of people. And we all feel at times that the 'faith' that we know externally comes in 'layers', sometimes in a complex way, internally. So yes, while there are 'signposts' along the way to faith, each walks his or her own path towards it.
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