for everyone |
Was my Japanese friend wrong about his Filipino friends? – He was a Japanese anthropologist and professor in a Catholic university in Japan who lived in the Philippines on and off for many years. His field work required him (let’s just call him“Kikosan”) to live with the indigenous peoples in Mindoro and the Cordilleras. Indeed, Kikosan was so devoted to his work that he and his Japanese wife, also an anthropologist, met and married while they were living and working with the natives in Banawe, Ifugao. That’s how we met and got to know each other quite well, Baguio, my other hometown, being the logical rest and recreation area north of Manila.
Kikosan got to become as native as the people he was studying and living with. He spoke fluent Tagalog. His English had a funny California twang, having taken some graduate courses in the U.S.A. There was therefore no reason to believe that this Japanese scholar would have any problem communicating with people in the Philippines. We got along quite well. Indeed you might say that through the years we became rather close family friends. Many people in fact thought we were brothers, Kikosan looking very much like our eldest brother, Robert.
Regrettably, however, many close friends and acquaintances seem to come and go like the seasons. Kikosan and I somehow failed to keep in touch through the years. We had no disagreements much less any unpleasant incidents of any kind to speak of. We just simply must have had some kind of falling out as we sometimes do with so many other friends.
*Incidentally, that's not Kikosan in the first photo shown above. That's our Coya Robert and one set of his grandchildren.
*The other foto should be captioned: "Some of my regular spirits. In vino, equalitas. Loosely, wine is a great social leveler."
After all, this was an anthropologist talking. And what is anthropology if not (/ˌænθɹəˈpɒlədʒi/, from the Greek ἄνθρωπος,anthrōpos, "human", and -λογία, -logia, "discourse") the study ofhuman beings, everywhere and throughout time. Its basic questions concern, "What defines homo sapiens?" "What are our physical traits?" "How do we behave?" "Why are there variations and differences among different groups of humans?" "How has the evolutionary past of Homo sapiens influenced its social organization and culture?"
Kikosan was not bitter. He was merely stating one man’s little opinion, one man’s point of view, one man’s little experience.
Kikosan felt that many Filipino acquaintances very often seemed to be more interested in what they could get out of him, some economic benefit, some material gain or advantage, instead of friendship for friendship’s sake, whatever that’s supposed to mean. He felt somehow that we have yet to develop in that respect, to regard friendship not so much as a business venture as much as a social, emotional, if you will, bonding; hence, outside the commerce of man. To be very brutal about it, do we always have to ask “ano ba ang pakinabang ko, ano ba ang mapapala ko sa samahang ito?”
It also happens to be a universal question: “what’s in it for me?” Except Kikosan had in mind pure, unadulterated friendship which involves mutual esteem, trust, concern, and affection that transcends material considerations. The Greeks as usual had a term for it. They called it “agape.”
Is the Filipino incapable of or not ready for true friendship? Are we so economically disadvantaged, so strapped for cash that we must jump at every opportunity to take advantage of every new acquaintance and milk it for whatever it’s worth? Is that why we fall over each other when we see a foreigner? Why do we think U.S. visa when we talk to an American? Is this what they mean by the politics of patronage? Does it have anything to do with colonial mentality, with our fascination for anything foreign or imported? Is this why they say that “only equals can be friends.”
I sincerely hope you are wrong, Kikosan, whereever you are. Bro. James D. Lansang
butchcelestial wrote on Jul 6, '09
Our leaders 'robbed' us of our heritage, our values and our pride. We need to grow new leaders able to restore us back to where we should be. We should go back and study the holy book from where we get the best wisdom in the world. In these days I feel very much like Job: My spirit is broken, my days are cut short, the grave awaits me. . . . My days have passed, my plans are shattered, and so are the desires of my heart. (Job 17:1, 11) But every time I open the holy book and read the lines that inspire me I again remember Job: Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; . . . Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance. (Job 13:15, 16) It was a sad piece you wrote, James but just like 'the stone the builders rejected', I consider it the capstone, an eye opener and inspiration to look for hope where it really is: In the Wisdom of God. |
elmersarmiento wrote on Jul 7, '09
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship. It is the spirited inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
jeemsdee said
I think it's because people by nature are really generous :D I will definitely peruse your pages manong jey.. salamat po.
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