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You shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, with your whole soul, with your whole mind, and with all your strength …- A few days ago, I just happened to watch a live TV coverage of the continuation of the 5th (and what would be the Final) Game of the World Series between the Philadelphia “Phillies”and the Tampa Bay “Rays” which had been rained out a few days before. If you’re interested, the Phillies won, 4-3, in what turned out to be a most exciting and thrilling game. Approximately 44,000 avid fans returned for the continuation game, out of the 45,000 who had attended a few days earlier for the start of that game.
One cannot help but be amazed at all the mixed emotions, enthusiasm, and excitement such a game can generate. The fans, oblivious to the onset of the winter cold (and rain previously), and all the inconvenience and expense they had to go through, were hysterically screaming their hearts out the whole time. They were cheering, jeering, laughing, crying, jumping for joy, and – praying, nay, publicly storming heaven for their team to win. They were so fired up they unabashedly promised to all their gods that they would vote their homerun king (Howard, be thy name) as President should the Phillies win. It’s not hard to imagine that there must have been tens of millions more fans from different time zones all simultaneously watching and cheering the game as it unfolded.
Then of course when the Phillies did win, all hell broke lose. Bedlam.
All those big, burly sluggers ran from their dugouts to the middle of the field, hugging and kissing one another, piling one on top of the other in the center of the baseball field, screaming and shouting in ecstasy and pouring and squirting expensive sparkling wine on everyone on and off the field. Then they strutted and paraded like conquering warriors all over the baseball field, raising their trophy for all the world to see and relish as if it were the most precious thing in all the world. What a celebration! Confetti, fireworks, screaming and shouting. Even the disinterested observer could not help but get carried away by the emotions of the moment. The whole thing was, as the ad goes, indescribably priceless.
The fans stayed on to celebrate long after the game had ended. They simply wanted to savor and enjoy every bit of those priceless moments. Everyone who was there would be telling and re-telling the story to his grandchildren until they in turn could recite every little detail and statistic of the game like a precious family heirloom.
Naturally, for a killjoy like me, I cannot help but wonder if all that energy cannot be put to some better use.
I am not really a baseball fan myself but whenever I can find the time and the inclination and there is not much else to do around the house, I watch TV. After watching a few minutes of BBC and CNN, or NatGeo, I invariably settle for some sports channel. I hardly ever watch any local news or channel. Unless I want to be inconsolably depressed.
Why do old, cynical (and grouchy) people like me simply settle for watching sports on TV these days? Whatever kind, you name it – basketball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, boxing, UFC, or the more sedate game of billiards or golf (except cricket, sorry, we don’t happen to be British colonials). Is it for the “thrill of victory” or “the agony of defeat?” It could be that or any other reason, especially if one becomes a diehard fan of any sport or of any particular athlete. It could also be because it’s one of the few really genuine and real things left on TV. Everything else on the boob-tube is a sham, sordid, inane, stupid, hypocritical, pure honest-to-goodness nonsense or worse, pure propaganda.
To begin with, there’s the so-called soap operas or “telenobelas” as they’re locally referred to. And mind you, there’s locally-produced as well as imported ones, from Korea, Japan, China and, of all places, Mexico. Many housewives and housemaids will starve their households and forget about the laundry, unwashed dishes, going to market or feeding the dog just to check and be sure if their favorite character in a soap opera finally ditched an uninteresting old lover in favor of a younger, sexier, hunk of a man who happens to be the live-in partner of the sister-in-law of a cousin of the best friend of her grandmother.
Some years back, I had wanted to launch a one-man crusade to generate public interest and advocacy to clamor for the outright condonation or partial remission of our foreign debt in the manner and methodology of the pop star BONO who had successfully and single-handedly convinced some of the G8 leaders to write off billions of dollars in foreign debt of some African countries. Unfortunately, however, it turned out that my timing was completely askew. A popular Mexican telenobela actress was scheduled to visit the Philippines and everything else in the country had ground to a halt. I lost any further interest after that. If our countrymen (women) will stampede and riot just to have a glimpse of some Mexican telenobela star and not seem too concerned about the billions of dollars of foreign debt which eats up at least 40%-50% of our annual national budget in interest payments alone, I think we deserve to remain miserably oppressed and impoverished forever.
Or take the case of the so-called “reality” shows that have mushroomed on TV lately. Whether it’s supposedly about some house or face makeover, chefs and their culinary prowess and exotic creations, some amazingly forgettable race or survival game, losing weight or reorganizing a little mom-and-pop business, you soon discover that such “reality” shows are as real as they can get in fairyland.
Then of course there’s all those TV programs that ostensibly give away money or other commercial items but are actually exploiting our poor, jobless, cash-starved and undernourished countrymen by making them do or undergo all sorts of silly, humiliating if distasteful stunts just to keep them from stampeding into the stage or in a coliseum to grab some of such doleouts.
Then you have all those supposedly “religious” programs by some bible-quoting artists who have managed to block off several TV channels for apparently no other purpose except to put down, ridicule or destroy their competitors and in the process make everybody look bad. Which makes you wonder. If all the violence on TV supposedly influences people to become violent, can one honestly say that all those “religious” TV shows make people religious? On the contrary, it’s a scandal. They only serve to demonstrate that religion must be good business. Don’t kid yourself. It takes lots of money to run those shows 24/7. Why did Jesus Christ not think of inventing TV as one of his more spectacular miracles? Or the YouTube. That way, we would be hearing it like it is. There would be no need to quote Jn. 21:25.
But I digress. What I really wanted to ask was: why can’t our priests or religious leaders, those in the business of helping us to be good and to do good, to do the right thing and behave properly, to prepare for the life hereafter, why can’t they think of more creative and imaginative ways to get our people all excited, interested, inspired in those religious activities and rituals? Aren’t they concerned that our people (especially our macho menfolk) have to be coaxed and cajoled, virtually dragged, to go to church whereas they will fork out a fortune to be able to get into a stadium for a basketball game or a boxing match?
Are our bishops not worried that our churches, particularly in Western European countries, our convents and seminaries are almost empty? That fewer and fewer young men and women seem less interested in entering the seminary/convent while more and more want to become nurses and caregivers, electronic engineers, chefs, seamen or call center mouthpieces?
Or, has the church become such a success that it doesn’t seem to care anymore about keeping track of its membership and evidently losing out to so many little so-called “Pentecostals” or “evangelicals,” “born again” or other handkerchief-waving Christian sects who apparently can no longer relate to the papal “Tu es Petrus” battlecry? Why are soccer players and coaches adored by their fans and their every TV interview watched with bated breath as if it were the Pope speaking ex cathedra? In all town fiestas and processions, the best way to assure crowd interest and participation nowadays is for the town fiesta organizers to invite basketball stars, movie and TV celebrities. Nevermind that many of these celebrities or public figures have scandal and controversy surrounding their private lives, the more sordid the better.
It used to be that the priest was one of the most influential public figures in any community. He was respected, listened to, and more importantly loved and fun to be with. Nowadays, it’s hard to even find a priest. They don’t dress like priests, behave like priests, and they drive around in heavily-tinted, expensive-looking cars. It seems that the only way a priest can have any sort of following or celebrity status these days is if he can claim some dubious healing powers.
Isn’t it about time that our religious leaders begin to seriously think about re-inventing themselves to become more relevant and meaningful, and interesting, in our times? Should they be any less diligent and earnest, and clever, in going about “their Father’s business” than those in commerce? I respectfully submit that those who are supposed to be engaged “in the Father’s business” cannot afford to be sloppy. Hadn’t the Father of all of us been heard to have once commanded: “You shall love the love your God with your whole heart, with all whole soul, with your whole mind, and with all your strength.” In brief, God must be saying, even in my business, especially when it involves my business, you gotta hustle, boy. Or, regret for all eternity. James L.
butchcelestial wrote on Nov 2, '08
You mean we are losing to the 'world'. 'But my kingdom is not of this world . . . . . . '.
butchcelestial said
You may have a point there, Bro. Butch. However, it's still no excuse for those in the "HEREAFTER" business to be a slouch. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect." Mt.5:48.
elmersarmiento wrote on Nov 4, '08
I agree with Vic, if this is what he meant: "you shall love your God with your whole heart......and love your neighbor as you love yourself". Loving God and neighbor, are entwined and can't be separated. One cannot stand without the other. This is His greatest commandment. In any case, you should have been an excellent sports columnist.
butchcelestial wrote on Nov 4, '08
. . . . Aim low ... and miss. . . . then fade to the background . . . or become part of the wall decor like me. You are far from than, Kuya James.
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