Sunday, September 16, 2012


Dec 5, '11 5:27 AM
for everyone
DANTE MAGDANGAL – The XVD 1-Man Press Corps

Because most of its members are your typical modest and shy characters who loathe trumpeting their talents, good works and good fortune, the XVD Association composed of ex-seminarians from the SVD-run Christ the King Seminary is hardly known outside the seminary walls. It is nevertheless no exaggeration to cite the XVD Association for what has evolved and developed into its own laudable mission-vision: to provide a support group and continued Christian formation for its members and their families, support the plans and programs of the Society of the Divine Word, and provide assistance and care for the retired, elderly and/or disabled SVD priests and brothers now living out their days at the “Villa Cristo Rey” retirement home at CKS-QC.
From its humble beginnings as a motley group of basketball and tennis-addicted ex-seminarians who would hang out at Christ the King Seminary, the XVD Association through the years has become a regular appendage of SVD in the Philippines, now known to and acknowledged by no less than the Filipino Superior General of the SVD in Rome, Fr. Tony Pernia, who recently met with some of the XVD leaders at a recollection in Tagaytay City. As an offshoot of its various activities and projects, the XVD Association was instrumental in organizing the Perpetual Rosary Movement and the Lay Society of St. Arnold Janssen, both of which are now active apostolic endeavors.

However, as with any human institution, a key ingredient for its sustainability is communication. As it has developed, the XVD Association – providentially - found such a man in the person of Bro. DANTE MAGDANGAL. One might say that Bro. Dante is the tie that binds the XVD Association together. Any news, update, prayer request, or important announcement or information about the XVD and any of its members or their families is immediately circulated via the magic of text (sms).
Bro. Dante is the XVD’s 1-Man Press Corps. How Bro. Dante finds the time and money to accomplish this task is a modern-day miracle in itself.
However, Bro. Dante being such a quiet, humble and unassuming character, much of his efforts have apparently gone mostly unnoticed or taken for granted. This little note is a feeble attempt to acknowledge and recognize Bro. DANTE for his valuable and indefatigable efforts to keep the XVD alive and well. Thanks again, Bro. Dante. Indeed, Mama Mary must love you... and vice versa.

goldencorridor wrote on Dec 6, '11
Alleluia, we have a Dante Magdangal now. May his days be unnumbered, and may his tribe increase amongst us!

elmersarmiento wrote on Dec 9, '11
Thank you, Dante.

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