Friday, September 14, 2012


Nov 26, '08 7:32 PM
for everyone

What’s the difference between a bum, an Obama and an Osama?  I know this may sound a bit like the riddles we would entertain ourselves with as grade-schoolers. You know, like what makes oil boil, why did the banana go to the doctor (“it was not peeling well”), or some silly, inane knock-knock jokes.
In a sense, just a few letters can literally make all the difference. Letters like Ll.B, M.B.A., Ph.D. after one’s name; or just the letter “A” – for “EDUCATION.”  Or, the letter “C,” for Character; or, maybe the big letter “D” for Destiny.  I myself would of course hasten to add the letter “G” – for Grace.
I remember how as a puny undernourished 95-pound Oriental walking along the streets of San Francisco’s Tenderloin District (in the neighborhood of Market St. or Union Square), I would occasionally be accosted by (200-pound) bums asking for cigarettes or if I could spare some quarters.  Aside from the fact that I seem to have a natural soft spot for these characters, I would invariably find myself being extra gracious and accommodating to their importunings, especially if you consider that many of them were much bigger and taller.  After such annoying little incidents, I would console myself with one of my favorite words, “GRACE.”  There, but for the Grace of God, go I. 
I realize of course that many people can’t tolerate bums.  It’s all their fault that they turned out to be bums, we would say.  They are lazy, unskilled, uneducated and prone to major vices, mostly, drugs, alcohol, and/or gambling.  They lack ambition, drive, perseverance and determination. They never applied themselves to some honest, diligent work, nor cared too much about their responsibilities. They are losers/sinners. In brief, they have all of the vices, none of the virtues. They are socio-paths. They have no place in decent society.
The church itself seems to have a low tolerance (and therefore little time or regard) for these types of people. Themselves being mostly paragons of virtue and rectitude, many church leaders have only harsh, unkind and unsympathetic words for people who have evidently lost the straight and narrow path.  So bums and prostitutes and drug addicts would invariably steer clear of any so-called House of God.  Jesus on the other hand liked to hang out with drunks, the outcasts, tax collectors and prostitutes, for which he was widely criticized by the Pharisees.
Many self-proclaimed, self-made, highly successful individuals of course would claim or even boast that it was by sheer diligence, intelligence and determination that they made their pile or achieved their goals. For them, there’s no such thing as luck or pure coincidence, or blessing (grace). They apparently never heard of nor give much credence to what St. Paul suggested: “What have youthat you have not received? And if you have received it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?”  1 Cor. 4-7.
This may sound a bit like sourgraping but I myself now personally believe that most great successes are the product of happenstance, pure luck.  Or, great large-scale, ruthless fraud, greed or plunder. Which suggestion provokes some self-righteous people. In the heat of an argument, I have been told more than once, “Okay, if you’re so damn smart, how come you don’t have any money?” I don’t believe I can ever come up with the answer to that one.
All I’m saying is that now that I am older and hopefully the wiser (and jobless), I am almost convinced there are just too many factors in this world beyond our control that it would be rather too presumptuous of anybody to claim all the credit for his good fortune or misfortune. I just got back from paying my last respects to an old friend who died recently.  At the risk of sounding trite, let’s take death, for instance, the most basic of all realities, the greatest social leveler.  We will never know the day or the hour.  Mt. 25:13; Mk.13:32.  How does one know whether he gets to live to be 18 or 80?  One can be as healthy as Arnold Schwarzenegger one day and be swept away and drowned by a tsunami the next day, along with a few hundred thousand others. 
How does one explain earthquakes and other natural disasters that kill hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop? Diseases, pestilence and famine and civil wars that exterminate millions of people in Africa?  Did we ever stop to think that one or the other of these victims could have been another Obama?  How about all the millions slaughtered during the past world wars, the Korean and Vietnam wars?  Does anybody have any control over these events, or foresaw them coming?
If Nostradamus was so smart, how come Bill Gates beat him to Microsoft? Or, does anybody want to be as smart and as rich as Kenneth Lay of ENRON?
What’s the difference between Obama and some of his half-brothers and relatives sitting around with nothing to do in their mud huts in Kogelo, Kenya?
Without wishing to minimize Obama’s great accomplishment since he appears to be an extraordinarily gifted person, still we might ask, can Obama claim all the credit for his good fortune?  The fact that he is a graduate of Columbia University and finished his law at Harvard?  That’s supposed to guarantee earthshaking success and the Presidency of the USA?
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who saw the Rev. Jesse Jackson being panned several times on national TV unabashedly weeping for joy during that mammoth Obama victory celebration at Chicago’s Grant Park.  I personally believe the man was crying because only a few decades ago his fellow Negroes (as they were then politely called) in the South were not even allowed to drink from some water fountains designated for whites only.
It was of course a most exhilarating and refreshing scene.  The American Dream being realized and demonstrated in a peaceful transition of power to and in favor of a black man.  It could only happen in America.  But at what cost?  It could not have been all because of Obama’s well-funded and well-organized campaign. Let’s face it- Obama just happened to be heir to the blood, sweat and tears of all the hundreds of thousands of Negroes before him who for centuries were enslaved, raped, brutalized, abused and discriminated against by their fellow-Americans.
Obama just happened to be at the right place at the right time.  He was also heir to MLK who was killed simply because he “had a dream.”  Did Obama plan it all to happen that way? I seriously doubt it.
Most spectacularly successful men, if they are to be honest with themselves, will have to admit that they owe their extraordinarily great fortune not so much because of their own native talent and cleverness.  For many of them, they just simply happened to be at the right place at the right time.  In other words, the honest thing to say would have to be; “just extremely lucky, I guess.”
Call it luck, call it destiny, or if you’re religious you might say, Divine Providence or God’s will.  Speaking of which, how does one explain that one is born a prince, i.e., the son of and heir to the king or sultan, whereas somebody else born on the same day is born to a pauper?  No wonder some royalty in the past claimed, or believed in what they led themselves to believe to be, the “divine right of kings.”
Did Cory ever dream even in her wildest dreams that she would ever be President of her country and not her husband, Ninoy, who was never coy about his political ambitions?  Or, let’s go micro and ask how come the son of the boss seems to get weekly promotions until he suddenly becomes CEO?  Did Prince Charles ever have to do an honest day’s work in his life?  Could he ever have known that his fairy-tale marriage to Princess Diana was doomed from the start?  Who could have known that she would eventually die the way she did?  How about the Kennedys?  Could you ever have imagined Jack Kennedy getting killed that way, and Jackie Kennedy winding up with an old man like Onassis?
It’s no wonder then that many highly successful people tend to be extremely superstitious.  If they are to be honest with themselves they know deep down in their hearts that it could not have been because they were extremely smart and clever.  If anything, they were just extremely lucky.  There are just too many circumstances and factors beyond our control. They have to acknowledge somehow that there is some Force, some deity, some great Being out there who must be in control, who watches over the destinies of men. And, who determines/knows who will win the next lotto jackpot.  So they consult regularly with their personal soothsayers, clairvoyants and fortune-tellers.
“Beware the Ides of March” was not some idle unsolicited advice.  The great Julius Caesar must have equipped himself with the best soothsayers then available within the Great Roman Empire. So did Napoleon. Ronald Reagan. Marcos.
So, what’s your point, brother?
I’m not rightly sure. To begin with, I believe it’s time we should all get off our high horse and acknowledge that there is indeed a Supreme Being out there, GOD, if you will, who watches over the affairs of men.  That the difference between a bum and an Obama is just grace, pure grace. That it’s pure megalomania to think that one man can make a difference. Indeed, history will show that untold miseries through the ages have been wrought by some megalomaniacs who thought they might try to make a difference. That it’s megalomania to try to play God, to try to rule the world, to think that we can impose our will and enslave others.
More significantly, let’s not forget that while we appear to be nothing more than mere grains of sand in the great cosmos, not a strand of hair falls from our head that is not known to this God. That this God is not so much a mighty, fearsome God as much as a God who is patient, who loves us, and knows what’s best for us. That the last thing this world needs are fascists, communists, anarchists masquerading as revolutionaries who ostensibly want to change the world, or rule the world, or worse, to own the world.  Mad megalomaniacs such as Nero, Caligula, or Napoleon, a Hitler, a Saddam, a Stalin, or an Idi Amin.
Oh, by the way, you might ask, what about Osama?  Didn’t you forget about Osama?
Osama, who? – JAMES L.

butchcelestial wrote on Nov 26, '08

Thank you, again, James for this new masterpiece.

It will keep me thinking for a while . . . . how great is our God and how puny the pretenders.

tomranada wrote on Nov 26, '08
Kuya, your messages are like thunderbolts: they not only enlighten but can also jar us awake.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 26, '08
Kuya BUTCH, tnx for your pithy comment. It encapsulates what took me approximately 1,780 words to attempt to describe in vain.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 26, '08
tomranada said
Kuya, your messages are like thunderbolts: they not only enlighten but can also jar us awake. 
Tnx, Kuya TOM, for your usual lightning comments. However, I beg to demur on your use of the term "messages." My humble blogs are not messages but mere idle musings of an aging philosopher. Only the Pope, the President and Don Lucio Tan are entitled to issue messages.

butchcelestial wrote on Nov 26, '08

It has to be 'encapsulated', so its not hard to swallow . . . pithy or not . . .

I have shared your wonderful masterpieces with my friends for its wit, wisdom, weaponry (it slices to the gut - and sometimes makes me laugh), ecstasy (it gives me goosebumps - and remember my beautiful wife), and sublime candor (I feel 'saintly' - or sani-ty) . . . . .

Thanks again and again and again. (I shared 3 already).

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 26, '08
Again, what can I say, Kuya BUTCH. It must be GRACE. tnx agn for your most gracious and generous rejoinder.

pcsokaka wrote on Nov 27, '08
May all your thousands upon thousands remaining days in this valley of tears ever be grace-filled, as you go about interfacing with every bum you meet along the way in your journey to the Eternal Garden.
And being grace-laden,even now in your sojourn, i know you do whisper to the Holy One your own concern for the bums of the earth, for they too, will ultimately sing:

pcsokaka wrote on Nov 27, '08
We were taught, and so we learned:

Every person is similar to every other person in some ways.
Every person is different from every other person in other ways.

What's the difference between a bum, an Obama and an Osama?
What similarities does a bum have with Obama and Osama?
What unique traits does a bum have?
What unique qualities does Obama have?
What unique characteristics does Osama have?

We are waiting for more answers, Master James Lansang, for our enlightenment.


lukeabaya wrote on Nov 27, '08
JimmyDee, you did it again another master piece. Judging from the responses here we are all in agreement. And as usual buried seemly innocent musings, you bring up a very serious concern, charismatic (political specially) leaders do have a tendency to be megalomaniacs and can be dangerous for the world. Thanks, always a good read.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08, edited on Nov 27, '08
Kuya KAKA, tnx as usual for your emotionally-charged responses. However, I'm sorry to disappoint. I merely try to ask some innocent little questions. It is for every soul to provide the answer. For himself. I believe many of the world's great disasters occur when some unusually gifted persons begin to impose their ideas on others, believe they have all the answers and propose to them to act accordingly. Jim Jones and Guyana come to mind immediately. Or that wacko from Waco, Texas. Or Hitler. Mussolini. Or some other two-bit extremist or terrorist disguised as an ideologist.

I'm willing to provide one little clue: these guys all seem to have an abundance of facial hair. Am glad you got rid of yours.

pcsokaka wrote on Nov 27, '08
Kuya, you did not and you do not impose your ideas/views. You never did. you never do. None of us did, none of us does.
I am/we are seeking more of your answers, not just for our mental delectation but for our purification and enlightenment. Sincerely.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08
Tnx, Kuya LUKE. I guess we could all learn something from Mama Mary. If we are to believe the Christmas Story, she of all of God's creatures is the most blessed one of all. She was chosen to bear in her womb the one whom all the angels in heaven must sing: "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST - this is the HIGHEST ONE OF ALL."

Yet what was Mary's reaction - the greatest prayer of all - "May it be to me as you have said." God's will be done. And followed by Canticle 15, Mary's Magnificat as recorded in your Patron Saint's Gospel, Lk. 1:46-55.
"He hath thrown the mighty, the exalted from their thrones... the rich he hath sent away empty."

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08
KAKA, only since you insist, sincerely, allow me to provide one clue. It's GRACE. Only by God's grace do we exist. We owe it all to Him. Unless we assume this posture in prayer, we are bound to be misguided. Tama yun bukang bibig ng Pinoy: "Sa awa ng Diyos." Kaya ka mabait at mapagmahal at mapagkawang-gawa ay dahil tanggap mo ito. You acknowledge that you owe it all to Him.'s payback time. Napupuno ka rin ng grasya.

pcsokaka wrote on Nov 27, '08
Mukhang umaapaw ang grasya mo ngayon Kuya!
It's overflowing...
Wow! Galing nga ng Pinoy: "SA AWA NG DIYOS."
Salamat, Kuya.

Ang grasya, talagang nadarama, dumadaloy tuloy-tuloy.

elmersarmiento wrote on Nov 27, '08
Thank you James for the reminder and as the Rev. Jesse Jackson has said: "never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up". In the last analysis, everything operates by the Grace of GOD.

gpenilla wrote on Nov 27, '08
To "keep in touch", I try to read Philippine newspapers via the internet as much as my busy schedule permits. I like reading columns and editorials but I am often disappointed with the quality of the articles. James, your "blogs" are so far superior, much more insightful and have much more impressive contents. Your well-written pieces give the readers great cerebral calisthenics. Will somebody please give James a column in one of our dailies!. What is the difference between a James and a....

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08
Thank you James for the reminder and as the Rev. Jesse Jackson has said: "never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up". In the last analysis, everything operates by the Grace of GOD. 
Kuya ELMER! It's always good to hear frm the "man of a few words." When I was younger, when I thought everything depended on me, I'd utter, "Anong 'by the Grace of God,' or 'anong AWA NG DIYOS.'" Nowadays, it's mostly "awa ng Diyos. Salamat sa Diyos. Salamat po, Diyos ko."

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08
Kuya GREG! tnx for jumping in. It's always refreshing to hear frm our progressive-looking cousins frm abroad. You are much too kind with your assessment. I guess nowadays I simply let the Holy Spirit guide my fingers to touch the right keys. Pls stay in touch. And send money!

lukeabaya wrote on Nov 27, '08
JimmyDee don't forget 'Diyos ko po'. once in awhile.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 27, '08
lukeabaya said
JimmyDee don't forget 'Diyos ko po'. once in awhile. 
tnx for the reminder, Kuya LUKE. However, as with most everything else, we must be careful that we don't take the name of the Lord in vain. Hasidic Jews will swear by this precept.

paga65 wrote on Nov 27, '08, edited on Nov 28, '08
That means the bum (I hope the pagan too) may after all be more grace-full than Obama, and certainly versus Osama.

multicharlie wrote on Nov 28, '08
thanks for the insight...good meditation material for Advent.....the Great Lord and Master is coming soon...

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 28, '08, edited on Nov 28, '08
Kuya FABS, finally someone has seen fit to draw our attention to the greatest lesson of all that we Christians should have learned from Christ's coming - HUMILITY, aiming low and looking out for the little pipol, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, the downtrodden, the down-and-out, the outcast. Hence, the unloved and the unlovable. To paraphrase Jesus, if we love only the lovable, where is the merit in that; you have received your reward.

Try visiting our church in Marikina on a Sunday. The place is jampacked with common pipol, simple folks, poor pipol. They instinctively know they have only God as their ally. So they all pack themselves into this House of God. The churches in the rich and developed countries are empty. Communist Russia at the height of its power closed down all the churches, prompting Solzhenitzyn to exclaim: "men have forgotten God."

So, next tym you meet a bum, don't pass up the chance to give him something. God loves bums. They are full of grace. Hence, an encounter with them is like coming to a fountain of grace. The greatest saints realized that. We still don't seem to get it. We think Jesus was merely joking. Now that Christians have become part of the establishment, gawa limot na sa mga poor and downtrodden kung saan tayo galing. I believe that is now the attraction of religions that cater to the masses.

jeemsdee wrote on Nov 28, '08
thanks for the insight...good meditation material for Advent.....the Great Lord and Master is coming soon... 
Kuya CHARLIE, tnx for making the effort to type a brief message.

vj329 wrote on Nov 28, '08
Kuya, what can I say? Osama na kayong lahat kay God.
Tons of wisdom you unleashed there, Manong.

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